Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When You See Tears Under A Microscope You'll See Just How Powerful Our Emotions Are

Tears of grief

Tears of change

Tears of timeless reunion

Tears from onions

Tears from laughing until crying

Tears of possibility and hope

Tears of rememberance

Basal tears

There are the tears that keep your eyes lubricated.

Tears of momentum, redirected

Tears of release

Tears of ending and beginning

Tears of elation at a liminal moment

Liminal moments are defined as moments during rituals where participants have passed the re-ritual stage but are not fully initiated into their next stage.

He Puts The Cat In The Bathtub. The Cat’s Reaction? I Can’t Stop Smiling

Monday, November 17, 2014

Ten kissing facts

1. According to anthropologists, 90 percent of people kiss. But that doesn’t mean that kissing is the same for everyone. Kissing customs vary across the world.
2. Be careful where you kiss. Though the punishment's not quite as harsh as our Italian predecessors, kissing is still illegal in some parts of the United States.
3. Let's talk science. Kissing generally uses one muscle, called the orbicularis oris, that is responsible for puckering your lips when you kiss. The science of kissing itself is called philematology.
4. Making out can be healthy for you. Kissing for one minute burns 26 calories. So enjoy that chocolate cake, and make up for it later with an extended make-out sesh with your partner.Read: How To Kiss Well
5. The world record for longest kiss goes to Americans Rich Langley and Louisa Almedovar for a session lasted 30 hours and 59 minutes. No word on if they got food and bathroom breaks. 
6. On average, two-thirds of people tip their heads to the right when they pucker up.
7. Some believe this tendency starts in the womb before you are even born. Or maybe you are just getting over the trauma that was your first kiss (you know, when you collided your nose into his and ended up kissing his ear instead of his mouth.). 
8. Kissing can increase your life expectancy.
9. Sure, sucking face has been blamed for the rise of Mononucleosis, the spread of cold sores, and the general transmission of other unsavory diseases.
10. But a study has shown that men live up to five years longer if they kiss their wife before going to work. So gentlemen, pucker up — for health's sake. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014